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Nutreco: branded story

October 31, 2022

In earlier September 2022, Focus Film China was hired by Nutreco to film in their Beijing office.

Nutreco is a Dutch producer of animal nutrition, fish feed and processed meat products. It has about 100 production facilities in more than 30 countries, and eight research centers. Besides, it is also a company of strong entreprise culture. Focus Film China was honored to conduct a video project for Nutreco about their newly-added entreprise value "integrity"

By interviewing the ambassador of "integrity" and two of her colleagues, we work closely with the communication team of Nutreco to give the new emtreprise value a personal touch.

Focus Film China is a leading production company in Beijing. We help brands and institutions tell their stories. Our filming crew has the best bilingual DOPs, camermen, producers in Beijing. However, what really makes us different is that we also engage in the early stage of shootings and give constructive advice to our clients. We always try to be creative and our aim is to deliver the full potential of every production!